Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Transform Your Relationship to Your Problems

Okay, so one of my all time favorite books is "dont sweat the small stuff, and its all small stuff" by Richard Carlson. And I have read this before, but again it caught my eye tonight and its just too good to note post. In this book its basically 100 "simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life" and let me tell you, reading this is like whoa, mind opening. So this is # 85 and its called

Transform your relationship to your problems

"Obstacles and promlems are a part of life. True Happiness comes not when we get rid of all our problems, but when we change our relationship to them, when we see our problems as a potential source of awakening, opportunities to practice patience, and to learn. Perhaps the most basic principal of spirtitual life is that our problems are the best places to practice keeping our hearts open.
Certainly some problems need to be solved. Many others, however, are problems we create for ourselves by struggling to make our life different than it actually is. Inner Peace is accomplished by understanding and accepting the inevitable contradictions of life- the pain and pleasure, success and failure, joy and sorrow, births and deaths. Problems can teach us to be gracious, humble and patient.

In the buddhist tradition, difficulties are considered to be so important to a life of growth and peace that a Tibetan prayer actually asks for them. It says, "grant that I may be given appropriate difficulties and sufferings on this journey so tha tmy heart may be truly awakened and my patience of liberation and universal compassion may be truly fulfilled." It is felt that when life is too easy, there are fewer opportunities for genuine growth.

I wouldnt go so far as to recommend that you seek out problems. I would, however, suggest that if you spend less time running away from problems and trying to rid yourself of them--and more time accepting problems as an inevitable, natural, even important part of your life--you will soon discover that life can be more of a dance and less of a battle. This philosphy of acceptance is the root of going with the flow.

I dont get to get all cheesey, but this reading is something I truly truly feel people should read every single day. I actually am printing this off and keeping a copy of just this reading on my nightstand to read when I wake up and go to bed. Its just something that I really do believe can change peoples lives and happiness/sorrow. From this day out, I am going to try to live every single day by this readin. and MANY more from this book.

GO GET THIS BOOK! Its great for the coffee table, nightstand, and..bathroom?

<3 Night

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