Whats weird, is I feel like it has not even hit me yet that I will be traveling the world (or a handful of countries within the world) for a few weeks.
London, Scotland, Ireland, and Amsterdam.
Which will add to my previously visited Denmark, Germany and Sweden.
(I COULD count Mexico and Canada if I really wanted to get nitpicky)
I guess right now I feel like a pretty lucky girl, but whats not awesome is having to pay all of this very small fortune back. I mean, overr 3/4ths of it will be on my Student loans, and I'm going to be paying for them forever anyways so may as well throw on a couple thou and travel the world, right?
Lets just cross our fingers that I will have a great job after I graduate to support my spontanious spending during undergrad
But anyway, I leave in >24hours Like, really? am I ready for this? I'm prettty sure I am, needless to say, this past couple months/weeks has been overwhelming, exhausting, stressful and hard.. the FIRST thing I need (usually I say the LAST thing i need is___) but no, this time its the first thing I need is to ditch the US for a few weeks and spend some quality ME time. I mean, regardless of spending every minute for four weeks with the group im traveling with, it still is a great time to just reflect on life and put some things in perspective and just be. Thats my plan, Just be.
So, I will keep this short because I assure you, when I head over there My blogs will be a littttle bit wordy, and a bit longer, because I guarentee I will have lots to say.
With that said, Im gonna hit the pillows. Im driving my mom to work at 7am (ish)then drive back to Menomonie to pick up things I forgot, and its 2:00am. I kinda intentionally stayed up late so im super tired for the plane ride on top of popped dozing pills.
If they dont have a pillow for me on the plan.... i will NOT be a happy flyer.
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do - especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.~William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways
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