Friday, June 5, 2009

On the way to Germany

So i'm on the bus right now on the way to Germany. It feels weird, like I’m in GERMANY. I feel like it hasn’t really hit me yet that im here and doing this study abroad trip, likes its no big deal haha. We took a bus to like some place then the bus drove on a big ship then we got off and ate and hung out for 1hr 45 min then got back on the bus while it was on the ship and drove off and now were gonna be in the bus for like 3.5 hours or so, I slept on the way here but I decided to do some of this and some homework and whatnot.


Yesterday, (Tuesday) was kinda of a bad day, it started when I woke up feeling super sick, like my throat was killing me and I woke up with a sinus migrane and my nose was all nasty between being stuffy congested and running and all that. And I just woke up with that “im sick” feeling when you just know that u are. It was not fun. then we had breakfast and walked to the Roskilde bank I forget what it’s called though. It was pretty boring but it was only like 2ish hours or something. They gave us sandwiches but they were really nasty. We got out at 12pm and had the REST of the day to ourselves  which was awesome because we never have a full day off pretty much so I wanted to go shopping and do all this stuff in Copenhagen, but Jen and Hilary didn’t want to..we all went to the Cathedral where the kings and queens were buried which was pretty cool to see, then they were like well were gonna look at some shops in Roskilde then go back to the dorm and relax all day, well I didn’t wanna sit in the dorm room for 10 hours when I’m in Europe and have a full day off so I was really bummed and wanted to cry, so then I ended up tagging a long with 3 kids—Nick, Troy, and Cody. Which I don’t talk or really like any of them but I really didn’t wanna go home so I thought I would just tag a long and try to make the best of it. Nick is an asshole, Troy doesn’t talk, and Cody is a dumbass…so it was reall difficult to have a good time. But we went to the strip in Copenhagen and god some souvenirs .. there were soooo many stores I wanted to go in, like shopping girl stores, but I couldn’t because the boys would get pissed and annoyed so I didn’t even go in ANY that I wanted to, and at this point I wanted to just cry cause I was sick and unhappy and couldn’t do what I wanted and wasn’t with people who I got a long with. Grr. But then we went to this place called Christiana or something I forget how to spell it, and what it is a a huge weed selling place. Like you go there and its on the other side of town and its surrounded by tall trees and bushes and stuff, then when you walk in there are a ton of like hippie shops and stuff and then they have tables where they layed out weed and you could just buy it, just like that. It was really cool to see cause when will you ever see people just selling weed on tables in public I don’t I know it was pretty cool. It was kinda scary at first because it was intimidating and in a drug place you gotta watch what you do and stuff. I didn’t get any pictures unfortunately because if you  bust out your camera they will take it from you and throw it on the ground n stuff so you don’t have footage of the weed selling. so we walked around that for a while which was pretty fun—then we walked to this like tower thing, I got pictures of it on my facebook. It’s the tallest tower in Copenhagen and you walk up like a million flights of stairs and then go to the top and you can see everything for miles and miles and could see like the bridge to get to Sweden and just everything from up there. It was like breath taking it was really cool, kinda had to share the moment with myself though which was a bummer but that’s okay I still enjoyed.

After that we left at like 430 or so got home at like 515 maybe and I just started packing up all my stuff in the room cause we had to have ALL our luggage packed from the dorm cause that was our last night to stay in there. So I did that then me jen hilary and fricking nick and troy came. I don’t mind troy cause he like doesn’t talk at all, but nick is a fucking asshole and im sick of him and he was being mean to be the whole time so it kinda ruined my night. But whatever I try not to let shit get to me! We got pizza at this place and it was alright, I feel like whatever it is I eat here makes my stomach feel weird. I cant wait to come home and eat normal American food. Then I skyped steven at night for a bit and went to bed at like 1130, I barely slept at all I don’t think because I was tossing and tourning and I felt like shit and just couldn’t sleep. Then we woke up at 4am to head to Berlin at 530am. It was weird I skyped Steven before I went to bed and then when I woke up and he was like still awake and it was still like evening/night for him but like night and morning for me it was different. But I woke up this morning feeling like complete shit still, even worse. I still do, not sure what to do . I gotta try and find some medicine before it gets worse. Like I ant breath and when I laugh I cough and my nose is so nasty and people say I sound like shit and sound so congested and just blah I feel yucky. But I am going to take a nap on the bus now.  

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