Tuesday, June 23, 2009


after arriving into Germany (Berlin) we walked to our hotel and had like 20 minutes to get our things together and get ready to go explore. We have this one tour lady who is actually from Denmark but has been to Germany and all that, and she is pretty nuts. She is so adamant on seeing everything, which is great ya know that what we are here to do, but she didn’t realize and understand the concept that we had woken up at 4am, been on a bus and ferry for like 8 hours and just arrived into Germany so everyone was exhausted and wanted to relax and get settled into the hotel but couldn’t. we ended up walking about 12 miles probably around Berlin, we didn’t even see anything specific just like Cathedrals and buildings stuff like that. And it was rainy and cold so it was a long night/day for everyone including myself. But the second day we woke up had breakfast and did some sight seeing and then we went on the 5-hour bike tour around  Berlin. I don’t even remember the last time I have rode a bike, and everyone else was saying the same thing so it was really funny watching everyone get on the bikes for the first time in years. Our main attraction within the bike tour was the Berlin wall, it was pretty cool to see, we saw a lot of areas where it was and all that stuff. My favorite was the part when they showed the death zone in-between the 2 walls that was pretty cool. They look put sand in-between them (back then) and then so they can see if anyone has been walking in the zone, and if there are footprints the guards get in huge trouble for not watching n all that. I don’t know it was pretty interesting.


After biking in Berlin we walked back to the hotel and had our “free time” is what we call it I suppose.  Jen, Hilary and I went and walked around for a bit then went back to the hotel to relax. Biking for 5 hours kinda wears you out. Especially when you are really sick like I was until we all had to meet up at 8 to go out to dinner. All of us as a group went to the Hard Rock CafĂ© and it was reallllly good. I love that place! I was kinda pissed cause if everyone ordered something off the sandwich menu which was like burgers and a couple different things so we could of got a burger fries and pop for $12, but we needed 15 people to get the deal and a few were like nahh I don’t want a burger so we all had to pay $30 instead. I ordered a Bloody Mary in a Pilsner glass and it was reallllly good. And I got to keep the glass! Our group is at the point where everyone has their established little groupies so everyone goes there own ways now. Me Jen and Hilary went back to the hotel cause we were tired, and we skyped our men!

            The next day we woke up and went to the Concentration Camp. I would type the name but I forgot and don’t really have the pamphlet on me. It was really cool to see though, it was really big. We saw the jailhouse, the bunkers, and where they cremate some of the bodies and the gas chamber. That part was a little disturbing. But overall it was a really good experience and how many people get to say they went to a concentration camp in fricking Germany? It sucked though cause we didn’t have a tour guide, just this little audio thing that every part of the camp had a number on a sign by it and you press the number and it tells you about it, I didn’t really like that I would have much rather have had a tour guide telling us stories cause the audio thing was from years and years ago. 

We went back to our hotel and the girls didn’t want to do anything but sleep and I didn’t wanna sleep all day in Germany so I decided to go shopping. was in a really good location cause it was right by the huge shopping strip with a ton of super super cute stores. So I went shopping on my own for about 2 and a half hours or so and got 3 dresses a skirt and a necklace. I loved shopping down there, it felt so right J hahaha. I could see myself studying abroad definitely for a semester in a place that big. Germany itself is just not a friendly place I guess. Like I felt like every one there was mean and rude and grumpy. We had so many random times were the Germans just yelled at our group or one of us and freaked out. And when I went shopping by myself id like smile at people and the employees at the stores and the just were not friendly back at ALL and nobody smiles back at you and shopping everyone just looks at me like I’m stupid. I mean I guess German’s do not exactly like Americans so much anyway after I got back from shopping the three of us decided it was our last night and we should go out. So we got ready and walked around Berlin for like half hour trying to find like a bar that isn’t a restraunt or somewhere were there are younger people. Turns out all of that is on the East side of Berlin and we didn’t wanna do the whole subway thing when we are drinking and its just us three. So we found this place called the Irish Pub and just went n sat at the bar and we were like the only ones under 40 there probably. But it was fun us 3 get a long really well so we had a good time. We had a couple tequila shots and I had a drink called the shamrock. We walked back to the hotel and eventually fell asleep. I was out pretty quick after talking to Steven for a bit.


Saturday we didn’t really do much , it was sort of a pointless day. Our tour lady took us to a shopping mall, which was alright, but I think everyone just wanted to go home. We shopped around for a bit and then all met back to the hotel and hopped on a train to get to the bus which takes us to the ferry which will take us to another bus to get us to Denmark. I’m actually on the bus right now. I don’t feel very good though, I had a whole thing of Pringles for lunch pretty much and a huge flavored water so my stummy is a little mad at me. The bus ride isn’t that bad, I have my own little 2 seats. Overall I am glad we went to Germany, we saw some pretty cool stuff and had a good time, but it isn’t a place I would want to live, or really go back to. 

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