Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In London!

Hi Lovers :)
So i made it to LONDON!!

i am pretty much being a window shopper with ALL the gucci, prada, fendi and all those brands everywhere, but that's okay :) the flights went well i guess.. OF COURSE i got stuck in the VERY middle of the airplane..there's 2 seats on the outer than 5 on inside isle..i was the MIDDLE so i had 4 people on each side of me..prob got 45 minutes of sleep all together.. I'm really tired, but getting my second wind now. i was sooo antsy on the plane, i sat next to James and some other old guy who like couldn't do anything cause his hands were sooo shaky :( i felt bad. but i watched a few episodes of the office ,and house on the plane! :) and i watched confessions of a shopaholic! haha. they had some decent movies on there. but there was NO room to move AT ALL it sucked. but it went by KIND OF FAST actually. its 7:06am for you guys, and 1:10pm here, haha so i missed a whole nights sleep. the plane food SUCKED hahah. dinner was some nasty microwaved chicken penne pasta with like a roll and nasty salad. and breakfast was a croissant with yogurt and OJ i didn't expect much so its okay

i believe when we get there we are getting settled for a bit..then the Danes are treating us to dinner...at McDonald's...haha i heard that and laughed, was like wow awesome. then we think we might go for a walk..i know some people are going to go to bed some are going to go venture out a little bit, i am still undecided.
my first impression being here was that people are really rude in London..at least people that worked here..very rude. a lot of people were rude actually while trying to get by and giving clear dirty looks it was odd. I'm guessing they think we are stupid Americans. we were called that once already. the bathrooms were really weird too.
Now we are just waiting for our flight gate thingy to post on all the listings.. it leaves at 2:25ish i think so i got like an hour!
okay well i am going to back up and we may venture again around the airport, its just us 6 girls sitting around so were going to go find everyone else.

this is the wine i enjoyed on the plane before getting to denmark!

This is us arriving at the airport in denmark, all tired and jet lagged! more to come later :)

Much Love,


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