Friday, June 10, 2011


Finally, Ireland arrived! We packed up our one backpack full of clothes including our camera in it, only ONE backpack for the 5 days we would be gone. 5 days worth of clothes does not fit in one backpack, plus a jacket, and your camera. It was not fun trying to figure out what to bring, but I think I just brought one pair of jeans, yoga pants and leggings and that did the trick. Wore a couple shirts the twice but what can yah do.
We hopped onto the Ryan air flight, the flight was only a little over an hour, very short, but very early.

We arrived in DUBLIN, Ireland and got to our hostel. Our hostel was RIGHT around the corner from Temple bar area, there’s an actual temple bar, but the whole area is great. We were only steps away from some crazy nightlight, which was pretty awesome if you ask me. It really came in handy when having to walk home from the Pubs.

We were pretty much on our own the entire time at Dublin, we did some shopping, got a tour bus where we could hop on and off, and just walked around mostly.

Shopping was okay; they had the typical, H&M, Top Shop, Accessories, and Urban Outfitters and so on.

We actually ate at McDonalds our first meal in Ireland I believe, the girls and I had been craving it for a couple days, (I don’t even eat there at home) but we wanted a cheap quick meal, they actually had different food than we do, of course the same food items are there but there were also some different ones too.

We went to see the typical cathedral, castle, parks, and monuments and so on in Dublin. What I really enjoy the most about these trips are more of the experiences and not what you see. I can’t tell you how many cathedrals I’ve seen since ive been here, don’t get me wrong they are all very beautiful, but if I look back through all my pictures, I couldn’t tell you which one is which cause there’s just so many. That kind of goes the same for castles and their remains, I know some of them, but there’s been a lot. I enjoy interacting with people, meeting people, going out, being on the streets and just enjoying the Dublin environment.
Which then leads to the Dublin pubs, which I’ve already talked about in a previous “good times in the UK” Post, so I won’t go too much into them, but let’s just say they are a GREAT freaking time. There is a lot of tourists drinking, but there’s also some locals. I’m pretty sure I’ve met people from ALL over the world, literally. One thing I loved about Dublin is that there’s live music EVERYwhere. Pretty much every pub had live music or a live DJ, and there were even live music on the streets, just everyone singing, playing guitar or whatever it may be and enjoying life. Loved it.

This picture is of the president of Irelands home!

While in Dublin we ofcourse went to the Guinness brewery which was pretty cool, i wish we got to see more machinery that actually does the work and less mueseum like stuff, but it was still awesome. we also got free beer ofcourse, and i actaully dont not like guiness surprisingly, i dont like beer that much, ill enjoy one on a hott day sometimes a cold brew sounds great, but dark beer i never really have wanted to try, but guinness actually has a lot of flavor. :)

Here are a couple night shots from Dublin the 2nd night

We also took a day tour through the outskirts of Ireland, on a big bus by a family owned tour company, they took us to their own farm out in the country, did a wee bit of hiking, watched a country cow chase a girl (she wasn’t in our group) laid in the mountains for a couple minutes with everyone being quiet, saw a castle/remains, pretty landscape etc.

Then we went to Galway Ireland. When we got there, we had already known there was a little festival going on, but we did not know our Hostel would be right there in the middle of it. There is a main street where all the food, shops and pubs are on and where the festival was, and literally our hostel was RIGHT in the middle of it. Which was fun cause we didn’t have to walk far, but also trying to sleep it was pretty damn loud. We didn’t par take to much in the festivities because most of the people were pretty beat and exhausted from all the traveling the past few days, I was ready to go out and have a good time but I wasn’t going to go out by myself. Taylor and Britt went out the previous two nights so that was fine they didn’t want to go out again, I only went out one night in Dublin and the 2nd night I did night photography. I think it was a Latino festival or something like that, lots of salsa dancing, lots of live music. The second day in Glasgow we did some shopping, walked the farmers market and just relaxed. There wasn’t too too much to see in Glasgow but it was pretty regardless.

After Glasgow we headed back to Scotland, but we took a bus that was privately hired for us and the driver (Michael) drove us through the Country Wales. I really wish we had more time in Wales but we just didn’t, we got to spend a few hours there though in 2 or 3 different towns. It was beautiful there and the people were very friendly. We stopped in a smaller town by the river where the huge castle was, probably biggest castle I saw the entire trip. We got ice cream there and it was SOOO good, I got toffee fudge, probably one of the best ice creams I’ve ever had 
Then Michael drove us through England (not out of the way, that’s just the way you went to get back to Scotland) which was cool. Really pretty, lots of farms and just open land. We stopped for Dinner there as well.

SO that day we departed from Ireland, Stopped in Wales a couple times, Stopped in England and ended in Scotland, that’s FOUR countries in less than 24 hours. Pretty crazy! Don’t think to many people can say they were in four different countries in one day, just something I can jokingly brag about down the road 

Here are some more just random pictures from Ireland and the trip!


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