So this week is the 2nd full week of school this year, i am plenty ready for our first break, let me tell you! :) I have been noticing myself, in conversations with others, complaining a lot. About my busy busy busy schedule, my jobs, homework, my weight, and other things close to the heart. Im constantly stressing about having to do this, having to do that, having to go here and fill out this paperwork go there and do that, dont eat this, dont eat that, money for this money for that. UGHH!! My goal for this week, is to RELAX. sometimes i get SO overwhelmed, like my life is just to much and then the anxietty comes and the stress comes which leads to the headaches and sleepless nights. well, this week im going to make an honest attempt to take my days one by one, task one by one, and just calm the eff down & breathe. I know i am capable of handling whats on my plate right now, I just need to get there. Its always easier said than done! but i will get there. I need to just find my balance between work, school, social life, hobby time, fun time, ME time. all of it, and i know it will come as weeks pass and i get adjusted.
anyway, sometimes typing the things out and having them to read and look back on throughout the week help remember to breathe and keep focused.
so Thats all :)
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