Hello there! :)
Im back to blogging, I only really blogged when i was away in Europe for 2 weeks, just to write about my experience and keep my family posted while i was away.
But, now im back! I haven't had time really ever, so now that my 6 week sessions of classes are over and i dont have hours of homework everynight, i can sit on my couch, pop up my feet on my coffee table, turn up the pandora, and write. (well or type)
I dont exactly have a Niche for the blog, like the title says, its "this and that" whatevers on my mind that day, sometimes i come by some cool articles i read that day, things on my mind, sharing my photography and journey through college and growing up! I may write about relationships, work, school, friendships, dieting/work outs, random youtube videos, who knows! whatever i feel like! I like to write (again or type) so sometimes its nice to just sit relax and get things off my mind. I like reading other peoples blogs and articles and hearing about other peoples experiences through life, so why not share mine as well! So here we are!
Tonight? tonight im starting a book called "Women food and God" by Geneen Roth. I saw an article on it on AOL news (which i read all the articles everyday to stay in tune) and i thought it would be good for me. what she went through and is writing about, exactly describes my life right now. pretty much all of it. i have been a yo yo dieter for years now, and this summer have been struggling with it a little bit more than usual. and I'd like to get my life back. all i wanna be is healthy, and happy :) and back to the fun self i used to be before i gained 20 pounds since highschool! So thats where I am at right now, I have been trying to start the master cleanse (lemonaide cleanse) whatever you wanna call it this week, ive been on and off. im hoping to get on with it tomorrow, as well as get back into running. I lost 13 pounds this summer, but what do you know, i gained it all back already. so i need to get back on track and stop being a damn yo-yo. Ill report back when the book is done, hopefully by next week!
"The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed up in these two – common sense and perseverance."
-- Owen Feltham